The Creative Order in the Church

Limitations are set for both male and female in the exercise of their gifts.
For example, tongue speakers were to speak in turn and be silent in the absence of an interpreter. Also, prophets were to control their gift and speak only if the spirit by which they spoke could be discerned (1 Corinthians 12.10; 14.29).
So, even if a prophet or teacher had something to say, they were to keep quiet if what they had to say will make them violate certain limitations put in place.

The following limitations were placed on women in the assembly according to 1 Corinthians 14.34-35
1. Be silent in the assemblies.
2. This us a universal instruction ( all the churches).
3. Women (Gk. Gune) not wives are referenced here.
4. Paul simply made an application to women when He said they should ask their husbands at home.
5. It is shameful for a woman to speak in a meeting.
6. Does this mean she cannot speak at all? Certainly not! Ephesians 5.19; Colossians 3.16 shows that there are exceptions. Thus, the shamefulness comes when a woman is teaching or using authority over a man. Any speaking that does not use authority over man is thus permitted
7. The law referenced here is the law at creation where God placed the woman under the rule of the man as a consequence of her sin. This is therefore not a temporary law but meant to be obeyed in the church of God for all time.
8. Also, the complete context (1 Corinthians 11-14) shows that all women not some are addressed in this passage.

1. Can a woman teach an assembly made up of men and women? Why?
2. Can a woman verbally ask questions in an assembly of men and women? Give reasons for your answer.
3. Can a woman serve in other passive roles such as ushering, taking notes at a meeting, etc?
4. Some forbid women from asking questions verbally but permit them to write their questions. Can you state the difference between these two modes of speaking?
5. If a woman is a mute, can she be allowed to ask her questions using sign language?
6. Can a woman be asked to read scripture by a male teacher in the assembly?
7. Can a woman respond to a question in the assembly based on the teaching delivered by a male teacher?

Limitations placed in 1 Timothy 2.8-14

The books of 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy were written about 5 years apart from each other. 1 Timothy gives more clarity to the limitations placed in 1 Corinthians.

1. Men (Gk. aner) means a male of full age and stature. They are to lead in prayers.
2. In every place (Gk. en panti topoi) means where the congregations assemble. This means that a woman can pray in the privacy of your home.
3. To show that a distinction is made between male and female, Paul shifts from men to address women about their dressing.
4. A woman is to learn in quietness (Gk. hesuchios means silent attention). Women are learners and followers while men are leaders and teachers in the assembly.
5. A woman is to be in subjection (Gk. Hupotage means obedience).
6. She is not to teach in a way that domineers or takes the lead from man.
7. An example from Acts 4.18 helps to understand this instruction better. Peter and John were instructed not to speak or to teach in the name of Jesus. From the following verses, we realise that they understood the instruction to mean that they were to stop preaching and not that they were to be mute henceforth. Generally, in Greek, when two verbs are used concurrently, the second verb explains the first. 
Thus, the instruction given to the woman not to speak is clarified by the second verb that says not to have authority or domineer the man. Again, any context where the woman is not domineering the man is a context in which she can speak This is the interpretation that is consistent with other passages where the woman is allowed to say 'Amen' to prayers and also admonish in song.
8. Thus a woman can be a teacher provided she would not be the dominant one. E.g. preaching in the pulpit, teaching mixed classes, leading in songs during worship etc
9. Women who lead the congregation whether as an officer of the church(elder, deacon), in prayers, songs, or teaching are violating God's principle concerning headship and overturn the creative order. This is a disobedience of plain scripture.
10. Paul gives two reasons for this arrangement:
👉🏼Man was created first.

👉🏼Woman sinned first.

In the words of Don Blackwell, 'Oftentimes, the truth suffers because we make weak arguments'

Women are equal to men before God.
God has a creative design that must be respected.
Women and men are talented but these talents must be used within the divine framework
Just as men and women have different biological functions and one is not inferior to the other. A man cannot get pregnant and a woman cannot impregnate herself. Similarly, the person who says 'Amen' is not inferior to the person who led the prayer.
The fact that women are delicate does not mean they are inferior.
We must not read into the Bible what the Bible has not said. 
All cultural elements of chauvinism and an inordinate form of feminism must be expunged from the family of God.
Apply correctly!

1. Can you explain your thoughts and understanding of the limitations placed on female teachers in the church?
2. Does the statement 'Ask their husbands at home' mean that women cannot ask questions in the assembly today?
3. Can a woman teach a man what he will teach to the church?
4. Can a mother lead a family prayer involving her baptized son?
5. If a woman is to be silent indeed, how does her singing and saying Amen to prayers not violate this silence?
6. At what point can a woman be said to be using authority over a man? When she makes a contribution to a question asked in a class where a male teacher is teaching? When she reads scripture as directed by the male teacher? Or when she assumes the duty of a teacher in the assembly?
7. If a male teacher teaches a class made up of females only, can the females be allowed to 'speak' in such a class? If yes, how does this not violate the limitations placed on women? If No, how does the teacher measure the learning of the members of his class?

Your feedback is invaluable.
Thank you. 
Daniel Jimi
October, 2018
